Fotografie z prubehu stavby / Picture from the process of the construction
Arcibiskupský seminár jako instituci pro výchovu budoucích katolických kneží založil arcibiskup kardinál Arnošt z Harrachu. Snažil se tak nahradit nedostatek katolických kneží v první polovine 17. st., proto koupil bývalý Králuv dvur nedaleko Prašné brány a prestavel jej na arcibiskupský seminár. Pozdeji byl seminár preložen do Klementina.
V letech 1928-31 vystavel architekt František Havlena pro katolický seminár monumentální novoklasicistickou budovu v Dejvicích. Strední predsunutá cást budovy s hlavním vchodem je zdobená toskánskými polosloupy, nad ní je hranolovitá vež s kupolí ozdobenou krížem. V této cásti budovy je vlastní studentská kolej a refektár (jídelna). Na protilehlé strane objektu vchodem z Kolejní ulice se vchází do seminárního kostela sv. Vojtecha a do pastoracního strediska. Kostel je vysvecen, ale není vyzdoben, slouží i jako divadelní, koncertní a promítací sál. Jsou zde elektronické varhany.
Tento katolický ústav vybudoval v r. 1930 arcibiskup František Kordac. Za svou krátkou historii byl dvakrát zrušen. Za nacistu na 4 roky a podruhé za komunistu v r. 1953. Do jeho budovy se pak nastehovala svetová redakce casopisu Otázky míru a socialismu, který byl centrem marxistické propagandy. Tehdy byl stržen i kríž na kopuli budovy. Z Karlovy univerzity byla vyclenena Teologická fakulta, byly zrušeny diecézní semináre a vytvorena jednotná Cyrilometodejská fakulta se seminárem v Litomericích pro Cechy i Moravu. Tento stav byl napraven až v r. 1990, Teologická fakulta byla znovu zaclenena do Karlovy univerzity, arcibiskupský knežský seminár byl obnoven a mohl se vrátit do své puvodní budovy. Kríž na kupoli byl obnoven r. 1991.
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Historické fotografie:
Arcibiskupský seminár, Univerzita Karlova v Praze
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Arcibiskupský seminár, Univerzita Karlova v Praze
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The Prague Archiepiscopal Seminary
The Dejvice neighbourhood is known, among other, by its many universities (Charles University, Czech Technical University, Institute of Chemical Technology faculties) and student residences. This micro is located nearby one of these buildings – the Archiepiscopal Seminary, which is the place of the Catholic Faculty of Theology of the Charles University.
The Archiepiscopal Seminary was founded by the archbishop cardinal Ernst Adalbert von Harrach as an institution to raise future catholic priests. His aim was to alleviate the absence of catholic priests in the first half of the 17th century, therefore he bought the former King’s Court near the Powder Tower and rebuilt it as an archiepiscopal seminary. Later the seminary was moved to the Klementinum.
In the years 1928-1931 the architect Frantisek Havlena built for the catholic seminary a monumental neoclassicist building in Dejvice. The central advanced part of the building with the main entrance is decorated by Tuscan embedded columns, above it there is a prismatic tower with a cross decorated cupola. There is a student residence and a refectory (menjador) in this part of the building. On the opposite side of the edifice through the entrance from the Kolejni street there is the access to the seminary church of St. Adalbert and to the pastoral centre. The church is consecrated, but not decorated – it also serves as a theatre, concert and projection hall. There is an electronic organ here as well.
This catholic institution was created in 1930 by archbishop Frantisek Kordac. During its short history it was two times abolished; during the Nazis for a period of four years, and for the second time during the Communists in the year 1953. The building then served as the headquarters of the editorial office of the “Questions of Peace and Socialism” magazine which was the centre of Marxist propaganda. During that period even the cross on the cupola was pulled down. The Faculty of Theology was separated from the Charles University, the diocesan seminaries were abolished, and was created a centralized Cyrilo-Methodic faculty with a seminary in Litomerice for Bohemia and Moravia. This situation was rectified until the year 1990; the Faculty of Theology was reintegrated into the Charles University, the archiepiscopal clerical seminary was restored and was returned to its original building. The cross on the cupola was restored in the year 1991.
Source of the text:
Prague Information Service
Historical pictures:
Archiepiscopal seminary, Charles University of Prague
Other links:
Archiepiscopal seminary, Charles University of Prague
Translation to english:
Dejvice jsou mimo jiné známé mnoha vysokými školami (fakulty UK, CVUT, VŠCHT) a studentskými kolejemi. Tato mikro se nachází v blízkosti jedné z techto budov - arcibiskupského semináre, kde sídlí Katolická teologická fakulta UK.