The lowest watch-tower in Prague (and probably the lowest one in the whole Czech Rep.) is placed close to the district of Dolni Pocernice and Hostavice (East End of Prague), on the former dumping-ground places. Thanks to the financial support of EU funds on this place was a park with dominant of watch-tower built up. From the top of the tower there is a lovely view of preserved natural area "V pískovne" (Sand-pit) with birds breeding place (good place for fishing), near is a paddock of horses, and last but not least, the urban settlement "Cerny Most" (Black Bridge) on the horizon. Near the pondlock at Martinak fishpond you can use a snackbar (beer, soft drinks...). Attention! Noisy Country Radio plays there every day! Bikers can easily reach this area from B-line metro station.
Jde o klidnou oblast, kde se mudlové nacházejí spíše o víkendu a to jen pri hezkém pocasí. Odlov je možný bez prevlékání „do kacerského“. Schránka je plastová krabicka 10x15x6cm; obsahuje logbook, tužku s orezávátkem a drobnosti na výmenu. Pokud to bude možné, zkuste vymenovat drobnosti s tématikou koní. Udeláte tím radost mé geodceri. Prosím, po zalogování uvedte skrýš do puvodního stavu, at nám keška dlouho vydrží. Preji hodne štestí!
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